Feels Like Christmas Today

Kara had this iPod that went bad about a day after the 90 day store return policy ended. A couple of months ago I called Apple and went through mailing it to them only to get it returned to me “as is” with two different reasons they didn’t do the repair.

By email they said nothing was wrong with it. When I opened the returned iPod, there was a note in there saying it had been damaged by the consumer. Something like that.

I know this is her problem, but I get her to do things for me that I don’t have the patience for and in return, she does the same for me. 

Today I went to the Apple Store to talk to a Genius about the thing. I was willing to pay for the repairs, anything to get the thing working again. The guy looked at it and gave me a brand new one. He said he did notice a little dent on the back, winked, and said the hard drive is on the other side of the dent and not to drop the thing again in the future.

While I was there I asked him to take a look at my iPhone. I’d noticed the photos weren’t coming out as good as when the camera was new. He couldn’t figure out why it was like that so he went to the back and got me a brand spanking new one.

I love Apple.

Blane, an Apple hater was with me and almost said it too.

Because all that took only ten minutes.

Many months of nagging problems solved, just like that.

Also, in the mall, just outside the Apple Store, Snoglobes!

This one was almost two stories tall and you could walk around in it.


Inside the snoglobe it’s snowing and there are these little Christmas scenes. Magical.


It feels like Christmas today.

8 thoughts on “Feels Like Christmas Today

  1. The only problem I’ve had is them returning the iPod without fixing it or telling me what action to take next if we did damage it.

    I should’ve gone to the Apple Store in the first place instead of trying to do it with the service people via mail.

    That is a very nice gift, Dennis. I’ve never purchased AppleCare (both products were still under the one year warranty), but I’ve heard great things about it.

  2. I’m working on him. He got an iPhone about a month ago. Funny, he used to fast forward any iPhone commercials if we were watching something on the DVR.
    Now he lets them play so he can learn new tricks with the phone.

  3. I learned computing on Macs in college and loved them. Then I went corporate and purchased a similar PC portable for my home. When it works, it works just fine. But I bought my daughter a MacBook last summer and that simple little MacBook kicks my Dell PCs butt in every way. Apple has become known for superlative customer service at its stores…along with its equipment. My next computer will come from them.

  4. Through the years I’ve had friends tell me to get Macs, but never listened to any of them until Max told me to get one. I had never touched one before, just went in the store and bought one.
    Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten. (Thanks again, and again, and again, Max.)

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