Guitar Hero III (XBox 360) Rawks

Sweetpea is always in the right place at the right time. She hit a sale on XBox 360’s Guitar Hero III on the very first day it came out, just happened to be in the store. People had been waiting in lines outside game stores until midnight the night before to get it. She just wanders in and finds the last one on the shelf Sunday morning. Bought it with her birthday loot.

She got the one with the wireless guitar. Spanky was skeptical of the wireless one, thought it wouldn’t be fast enough for her. It was indeed.

I sat back and laughed my ass off. Blane Jr. also got GHIII so he could battle the girls online. That’s what’s cool about this one, you can play others online. The “characters” on screen actually look like guitar legends such as Hendrix and Slash. Lots of good metal shredding oldies as well as the ability to purchase new tunes online.

So who won? Well, Blane beat Spanky, but he does it psychologically. Sings to the songs while he plays and messes with her for not having as many points. I think if it were not for the headset she’d beat him. She plays at a higher level and has to drop down to medium to play him.
He still knows how to make her mad.

8 thoughts on “Guitar Hero III (XBox 360) Rawks

  1. Hey, just got Klaus GH II on ebay for his birthday. His own choice. He didn’t tell me there was a GH III, thank God.
    How Lucky Sweetpea is! Just walks in and gets the last one. Poor Spanky, got beat unfairly. I take it he didn’t beat Sweetpea, how did he feel about that.

  2. Klaus may have a different game system such as Playstation or Wii. There may not be a Guitar Hero 3 for the system he has.
    I didn’t see Blane play Sweetpea, but she doesn’t play that often, he’d probably beat her.

    Good idea Michele. I keep forgetting I have a video camera. I was practicing with my digtal Canon, trying to get a photo in the dark.

  3. Guitar Hero is so out of my league. That is awesome that they can play online. I am stuck on wii golf, tennis makes me dizzy. Oh my sister made me a big fat freak of an avatar so that’s always making me laugh myself out of points too.

  4. That’s part of just about any game, Soph, messing with the other player’s head. One day she’ll turn it around and throw it back at him. LOL.

    Jen, Blane’s GH3 avatar is part of his game too, a skinny ass, barrel chested, mullet headed freak that can be incredibly distracting. You can play GH if I can play. I’ve never beat anyone, though. I don’t play too often. They just come get me if they want to beat someone. Kidding. It’s cool though, since they can also talk to each other over the internet while gaming. They use it to keep in touch with my nephew out in Virginia and friends who have moved away.

  5. Kitty. That. Is. A. Big. TV. I am drooling. I am also lovin the way the daughter on the right is rockin’ out. Smokin’.

    I love the image of her just sauntering in to get this highly coveted object as easy as can be… It’s a scene in a movie…

  6. Sulya, yeah, it is huge, but not a plasma or anything like that. It is a front projector and screen.
    That’s Spanky on the right. I showed her this photo the day after I took it and she said, “No wonder my abs are killing me today!”

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